Sunday, December 25, 2005

Coloring Book Project

Every year since I don't know when I've done a holiday project. Something to give away to friends and family. Something to keep me from going crazy during a time of stress. I used to make calendars that had political caricatures of people like Jimmy Falwell and Arnold Schwartzennegger. This year's project is a coloring book and while there's little politics in it. There is an image of George Bush that's a ready-made caricature -- I just took a picture of it. The book is made possible through the magic of Nikon, iPhoto, Photoshop, Preview and Kinkos, and of course, the family Mac computer, all essential to my happiness and well-being.

Above is the cover. And the next few posts will have the rest. It's 13 pages long, so not too much but it covers my year in pictures. See flickr for the original images.

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